Our Board

The Board of Directors of the Ross Ragland Theater is responsible for the exercising fiduciary oversight, providing strategic direction, and ensuring the future viability of the Ross Ragland Theater. As a corporate body, the Board of Directors provides overall leadership of the organization via its supervision of the Executive Director. Members are nominated and selected pursuant to the Bylaws of the organization and serve a three (3) year term of office with a two (2) term maximum. The primary purpose of the Theater’s Board is to ensure the organization’s resources are used efficiently and effectively in pursuit of its mission. Second, the board asks not just whether but also how effectively programs advance the Theater’s mission, a type of analysis that involves performance measurement. Third, the board promotes lawful and ethical behavior and seeks to ensure compliance with basic standards of safety, legality, and honesty.

Graeme Case, Chair


Jay Schindler,


Retired Mechanical Engineer

Courtney Talbot, Treasurer


Allison Phair,


Kendall Alexander, Director 



Kelly A,


Armijo Designs & Photography


Chandra Awbrey, Director

Child Welfare

Chandra Awbrey, Director

Child Welfare

Laty Xayavong, Director

Gary Turner,


Turn Thom/Point S


Dana Wirth,



Jean Pinniger,

Member Emerita

Community Activist

Joan Staunton, Member Emerita

Community Activist

Regina Morris 

Guild President

John Novak

Ragland Rife Chair

Curtis Peoples

RRT Executive Director